Evil Dead The Game: Best Characters

May 17, 2022
Looks like you need help choosing a character in Evil Dead: The Game.

Evil Dead is a game with a huge pool of characters with their unique story, abilities and weapons, so many players are confused about who to pick since the cast of characters are useful in their own way hence why there are classes in the game at the first place.

Check out this guide and see who you like the most!

Evil Dead The Game: Best Characters

The Classes

In Evil Dead there are four classes to choose from:

  • Leaders
  • Warriors
  • Hunters
  • Support

Warriors and Hunters are offensive classes that help with clearing up enemies by inflicting a lot of damage.

The Support class benefits the team by supporting it in ways like healing, armor, and ammo replenishing.

And the Leaders are characters that have something from both classes, serving as both a support and damage player.

The Characters

10. Kelly Maxwell

Kelly Maxwell is a badass huntress in the game. A ValueShop trainee turned blood-thirsty hunter, seeking revenge on the dead for the slaughter of her parents, if anything gets in her way it’s as good as dead.

Kelly’s stamina does not drain while dodging, on top of that her damage output increases the longer she lasts in a fight.

9. Ash Williams (The Evil Dead)

Ash Williams is a man that would stop at nothing to survive, a real team player defending the people he loves dearly as well as not showing any sign of fear, a clever man with a couple aces up his sleeve.

This ultimate support hero has a plethora of incredible abilities to help his team like reducing fear levels and healing his teammates.

8. Cheryl Williams

Cheryl is Ash’s sister who would do anything to support him, so you bet she has the team covered when they are put in a sticky situation. Without her many will fall.

She has a bunch of abilities that aid the team, abilities as healing the entire team by providing healing zones or by drinking Shemp’s Cola in order for her team to regain her health.

7. Amanda Fisher

Amanda Fisher is a brilliant detective and an even better marksman after she teamed up with Ash. A strong woman bringing justice to the wicked and providing long-ranged support to her team.

Amanda always has her trusty rifle with her at all times, matter of fact she spawns with one. Her pistol also gives her a major advantage since she has the ability to temporarily fire her pistol without using ammunition.

6. Pablo Simon Bolivar

Pablo was a coworker of Ash’s but then became one of the most important people on the team as well as a close friend and devoted supporter of Ash.

This support is best shown in his abilities in-game, like creating amulets to boost shield bars and blind Demons.

5. Lord Arthur

Lord Arthur is a great leader, a real team coordinator, a fearless warrior and swordsman leading his team to victory and surviving the harsh reality of evil dead.

Lord Arthur as a leader grants the team increased damage and decreased fear. He starts every match with his trusty blade by his side.

4. Duke Henry the Red

Duke Henry the Red is a warrior destined for glory. Helping his team by tanking his way to victory, in a way no Deadite has a chance when it meets Henry.

This tank of a Warrior has abilities that boost his damage and shield making him ready to take on God himself.

3. Ash Williams (Evil Dead II)

Now we have reached the variations of the big man himself Ash. The first variation we see is from Evil Dead II. This version of Ash is ready to use the knowledge he has garnered fighting Deadites to his and his team’s advantage.

He has a passive ability to save any possessed teammates.

2. Ash Williams (Ash vs. Evil Dead)

The Big man himself, Ash from Ash vs. The Evil Dead. A big hunk of a man as well as a brilliant leader, helping his team through and through.

He has the ability to grant his teammates Fear and Damage resistance, on top of that he starts the match with his chainsaw by his side.

1. Ash Williams (Army of Darkness)

And last and definitely not least Ash from Army of Darkness, the time-traveling warrior set for glory helping his team while striking fear in the eyes of his foes. Everyone wants to fight alongside this Survivor.

He has a passive ability that grants health restoration, fear reduction, increased damage and reduces damaged received. A true unit and a must-have on your team.

These are the best and most iconic characters of Evil Dead: The Game.

Happy hunting!
