Lost Ark: Tier 3 Island Route

March 30, 2022
Get latest guide on Island Route For Tier 3.

Not knowing what to do after you reach level 50? Don’t worry! There are many things to go through in this game. Before rushing through things.

I would suggest enjoying the tier 1 island firstly and then the second and finally on the tier 3 island route. Where you will get the max amount of item level that you need in order to participate in PvP events and other wonderful Chaos Dungeons and Guardian Raids.

This is my guide to show you Tier 3 Island routes that you can progress through in Lost Ark.

Tier 3 Island Route – Lost Ark

Islands & Tier 3 Content

You want to begin your adventure on Anguished Island.

On this island, you have a daily quest and a quest chain. The full chain will take up to 30 minutes of playtime and the daily quest will take around 5 to 10 minutes of playtime.

With these two quests completed, you will receive purple boxes filled with honing materials that are worth over 25000 Gold.

Your second journey will be the Punika island main quest. The main story quest of Punika will unlock a lot of side quests that you can do which are pretty quick and easy.

These side quests offer you a ton of honing materials that will help you to increase your Item Level.

Doing at least two Chaos Dungeons a day will grant you honing shards both for your equipment and weapon.

Once you reach Tier 3, on 1100 Item Level, you have the ability to transfer all your +15 Tier 2 gear into +1 Tier 3 gear. This will give you an extra tier 3 honing level, and some extra item level score.

There is a weekly quest that you can do where you just buy stuff from your guild shop and the pirate coin shop. Completing this weekly quest will grant you Tier 3 honing materials.

Competing in a Tier 3 Guardian Raid Once a day will get you a ton of Tier 3 Honing materials.

Your item level will increase rapidly once you increase all your gear to +6 honing level. To that level, the honing success rate is 100%.

Once you reach all items to +6 Honing Level, get Cube passes that will grant you Star Breaths which will increase the success rate for a successful honing on an item.
