Gotham Knights: How to Perform Silent Takedowns on Marked Targets

October 23, 2022
Check out this guide to see how you can perform silent takedowns on enemies in Batman Gotham Knights.

Batman Gotham Knights is a brand new open world fighting game from Washington DC. The game introduces different characters from the Batman saga. Here you will be able to perform different tricks on your enemies and even defeat them in various ways.

This guide will show you how to perform silent takedowns on enemies in Batman Gotham Knights.

How to Perform Silent Takedowns on Marked Targets – Gotham Knights

The very first thing that you need to do if you want to perform a silent takedown is to hide and scan for any enemies nearby. Once that is done, you need to select the enemy you want to perform a silent takedown.

Once you’ve selected the target, slowly crouch towards them until you get three different options:

  • Ambush Takedown
  • Silent Takedown
  • Grab

Press on the Silent takedown to silently kill an enemy without the others knowing. You can continue this process on almost everyone as long as you don’t get seen. A great way to try and not get seen is to stay at hidden areas where there are a bunch of shadows.

Or just try to use any utilities that will help you evade danger or stay hidden.
