Trek To Yomi: All Collectibles & Upgrades Locations (Chapter 2)

February 9, 2023
Check out all the collectible artifacts and upgrades in the second chapter of Trek To Yomi!

Trek To Yomi is a side scrolling action game that lets you explore different areas. A traditional game that allows you to explore areas and encounter many people that will be your allies and some will become your enemies. The game offers a ton of hidden collectibles around the map. These collectibles will help you upgrade your character and also get you to 100% game progress.

This guide will show you all the Chapter 2 Locations of Artifacts and Upgrades in Trek To Yomi.

Trek To Yomi: All Collectibles & Upgrades Locations (Chapter 2)

Stamina Upgrade

When you reach the end of the road in the forest, while going on the left side, you will find a vase that you can use and increase your stamina on top of a log.

Artifact: Discarded Kami Carving

When you enter a small cam in the forest, on the left side of the area, inside the shelter itself, you will find the artifact.

Artifact: Crude Tekko

Go down into the caves where you need to push a wooden plank to make yourself a small bridge on the other side, when you cross the bridge, you will be able to obtain the artifact.

Stamina Upgrade

When you exit the cave, go straight forward and you will find a log. On that log there will be a vase that you can use to increase your stamina.

Artifact: The Three Monkeys

This artifact will be located under the river, just behind the waterfall, you will need go to this exact area, and right next to a board, you will find the artifact.

Stamina Upgrade

As you enter the village, enter the first house on the left side. When you enter the area, you will find the vase that you can use and increase your stamina.

Artifact: EMA

This artifact will be located outside the village, ass through the second gate and on the left side, you will see a piece of paper that you can obtain which is the artifact.

Health Upgrade

The health upgrade will be located on a wooden platform in the village. The platform itself will be located on top of the river, walk up to there and on the right side, you will find the health upgrade.

Artifact: Lost Love Letter

The lost love letter artifact will be located inside one of the houses presented on the image.

Enter this house and inside, on the table, you will find a letter that you can obtain which is the artifact.

Stamina Upgrade

This stamina upgrade can be found in the same area where the previous love letter artifact was found, simply walk to the left side of the room and you will be able to use the stamina upgrade.

Artifact: Mori Shio

This artifact will be located in the village in this specific area. Walk up to the object and obtain your artifact.
